
_Specialising in environmental engineering, Ginger BURGEAP strives for technical excellence

Protecting the environment, helping to build sustainable cities, supporting environmentally responsible businesses, promoting energy transition: Ginger BURGEAP strives for technical excellence and is supported by more than 350 engineers and its own research and development department. For over 75 years, Ginger BURGEAP teams have used their expertise to develop, design and implement practical solutions for sustainable development all over the world. 

_Areas of expertise

  • Contaminated sites and soils
  • Water
  • Hydrogeology
  • Geothermal energy
  • Air
  • Biodiversity and nature in urban areas
  • Waste management
  • Circular economy
  • Health risks
  • Treating industrial emissions
  • Climate change and reducing carbon emissions
  • Renewable energies and energy efficiency
  • Regulatory documents
  • Due diligence
  • Strategic advice

_Areas of activity

  • Industry
  • Real estate - Development
  • Logistics - Infrastructure and transport
  • Energy - Water
  • Waste - Mines and quarries
  • Local authorities and governments
  • Public institutions
  • Banks, funding agencies and institutional investors

_Committed to sustainable development

Claude Michelot

"Our world is changing, and the challenges posed by the ecological transition and climate change are immense.
Ginger BURGEAP's mission is to define and implement solutions that reconcile respect for the environment, risk management, reducing carbon emissions and improving economic performance.
Our multi-disciplinary, forward-thinking teams are committed to achieving this goal in a way that reflects the realities on the ground, and they do so with passion and dedication.
And we use our expertise and this ambition to help all our clients achieve their goals"


_Satisfied clients

_A wide range of projects

Project management for the decontamination of the Saint-Ouen Docks mixed development zone

Nexity Ville et Territoires is developing the “Alsthom site” under a participation agreement signed with SEQUANO Aménagement; this site is part of the Saint-Ouen Docks mixed development zone. Since 2006, Ginger BURGEAP has been managing the restoration work required to transform this former industrial site into a new mixed commercial/office/residential district. Ginger BURGEAP carried out the studies prior to the commencement of the works (soil characterisation) and then ensured the supervision and acceptance of the works, which were carried out block by block.


Impact study file for line 15 of the Greater Paris transport network

As a partner of Biotope, which was commissioned by Société du Grand Paris to carry out the strategic environmental assessment, BURGEAP carried out the sections on water, soil, subsoil, natural and technological risks, subsoil occupation (vibrations, networks and tunnels, foundations) and urban planning. These findings were then used by Société du Grand Paris in the project planning process to optimise the impact of the project in a very densely populated urban area. 
In a second phase, Ginger BURGEAP was also responsible for the following aspects of the impact study: topography, pedology, geology, hydrogeology, surface water, natural hazards, subsoil occupation, technological risks, contaminated sites and soils, and urban planning.


Hydrogeological and hydraulic studies to safeguard Greater Lyon's drinking water supply

For more than 30 years, Ginger BURGEAP has provided the Communauté Urbaine de Lyon (Urban Community of Lyon) with full and regular technical support for the design, construction and operation of the Crépieux-Charmy water catchment area, one of the largest in Europe. This support includes advice on the use and development of real-time management software and expertise in hydrogeological monitoring. Ginger BURGEAP also works with Greater Lyon to help manage the water catchments that supply drinking water to the surrounding area and to develop a strategic approach for the area as a whole.


Restoration of a former Société de Normandie industrial site into a mixed development zone

For each development plot, a diagnosis (DIAG), a management plan with predictive residual risk analysis (PG/ARR) and project management for the management of areas of concentrated contamination and non-inert excavated material from the various projects are carried out. One of the unique features of this site is the creation of an on-site platform for the management of contaminated soil from the various plots. More specific missions have been carried out, such as interpreting the state of the environment to check the health compatibility of building uses around a highly contaminated plot.


Support for developers - Meridia mixed development zone

As part of the Joia project on the Meridia mixed development zone in Nice, Ginger BURGEAP is regularly called upon to support property developers in the following areas:

  • The design and dimensioning of rainwater management systems;
  • Flood risk management (assessments and design proposals);
  • Regulatory support, including the preparation of regulatory dossiers;
  • Estimating drainage flows during the construction phase, and technical feasibility studies for the creation of an additional basement level.
Picth immobilier

Project management for the remediation of contaminated soil, Annonay

During the construction of a cinema on the site of an old gasworks, the town of Annonay discovered that the site was contaminated with hydrocarbons. In response to this finding, the town of Annonay commissioned Ginger BURGEAP to carry out the following studies: diagnosis, management plan and residual risk analysis. It then entrusted Ginger BURGEAP with the project management for the design and supervision of the works.


Project management for managing PCB-contaminated sediments in the bed of the Durance river

Following the discovery of 3 discarded electrical transformers in the bed of the Durance river, the DDT (land use directorate) of department 84 requested the characterisation of the contaminated sediments and the management of this concentrated source of pollution. Ginger BURGEAP carried out the studies (sediment characterisation, management plan, etc.) and then managed the project from consultation with the contractors to acceptance of the works.


A spot of greenery at school, Miramas

As part of the project to remove waterproofing from school grounds, the town of Miramas commissioned Ginger BURGEAP to carry out the following services:

  • Soil contamination studies to ensure that the project is compatible with the environmental status of the site in terms of health and the environment;
  • An agronomic study to evaluate the possibility of reusing the existing soils;
  • A hydraulic study to define the characteristics of the existing soils in order to assess their capacity to infiltrate rainwater;
  • Proposals for removing all or part of the waterproofing for each school.

Support for the “Les Oliviers” EcoQuartier certification process

As part of its commitment to sustainable development, GRAND DELTA HABITAT commissioned Ginger BURGEAP to support the "EcoQuartier" certification process for the "Les Oliviers" neighbourhood in Morières-lès-Avignon. Ginger BURGEAP worked in partnership with the architect Jérome Siame to design the project, carry out an environmental assessment of the site and carry out hydraulic studies for rainwater management (in accordance with water regulations).

Delta habitat

Environmental permit application for Nîmes University Hospital

As part of its expansion, and in compliance with water regulations, the Nîmes University Hospital called upon Ginger BURGEAP to draw up an environmental permit application. This required the completion of a global hydraulic study to improve rainwater retention across the entire site managed by the Nîmes University Hospital, the completion of an environmental impact study, as well as a project management assistance mission.

CHU Nimes

Environmental assessment and missions for Métropole Nice Cote d'Azur

The Métropole Nice Côte D'Azur is the contracting authority for the connection of the Voie Mathis to the Route de Grenoble and then to the A8 motorway via an underground route. It has commissioned Ginger BURGEAP to carry out the following studies:

  • An environmental assessment of an area where the presence of a former service station had been identified and where hydrocarbon odours had been detected;
  • An opinion on the risks associated with the management of the excavated material;
  • The characterisation of the excavated soil generated by the construction of the underground route and an orientation plan for the excavated soil.
Metropole Nice

Full environmental studies of the various environments, including project management of decontamination work. Environmental monitoring and four-year reviews

On a site polluted with chlorinated solvents and migrating into the groundwater, the following actions were agreed with the authorities (DREAL):

  • The treatment of the two source areas with high concentrations of VOCs to improve the environmental quality of the soil and reduce the impact on groundwater
  • Continuous environmental monitoring of the site
Departement Orne.


Demande de devis