_Specialising in environmental engineering, Ginger BURGEAP strives for technical excellence
Protecting the environment, helping to build sustainable cities, supporting environmentally responsible businesses, promoting energy transition: Ginger BURGEAP strives for technical excellence and is supported by more than 350 engineers and its own research and development department. For over 75 years, Ginger BURGEAP teams have used their expertise to develop, design and implement practical solutions for sustainable development all over the world.
_Areas of expertise
Contaminated sites and soils -
Water -
Hydrogeology -
Geothermal energy -
Air -
Biodiversity and nature in urban areas -
Waste management -
Circular economy -
Health risks -
Treating industrial emissions -
Climate change and reducing carbon emissions -
Renewable energies and energy efficiency -
Regulatory documents -
Due diligence -
Strategic advice
_Areas of activity
Industry -
Real estate - Development -
Logistics - Infrastructure and transport -
Energy - Water -
Waste - Mines and quarries -
Local authorities and governments -
Public institutions -
Banks, funding agencies and institutional investors
_Committed to sustainable development
"Our world is changing, and the challenges posed by the ecological transition and climate change are immense.
Ginger BURGEAP's mission is to define and implement solutions that reconcile respect for the environment, risk management, reducing carbon emissions and improving economic performance.
Our multi-disciplinary, forward-thinking teams are committed to achieving this goal in a way that reflects the realities on the ground, and they do so with passion and dedication.
And we use our expertise and this ambition to help all our clients achieve their goals"
_Our expertise and services
Cities, towns and territories
Contaminated sites and soils
Geothermal energy
Waste management
Circular economy
Health risks
Climate change and reducing carbon emissions
Renewable energies and energy efficiency
Sustainable development
Regulatory documents (Environmental Impact Assessment, the Water Act and Flood Risk Prevention Plan)
Industrial Environments
Contaminated sites and soils
Waste management
Circular economy
Health risks
Industrial risks
Treating industrial emissions
Climate change and reducing carbon emissions
Renewable energies and energy efficiency
Regulatory documents (Installations Classified for the Protection of the Environment)
Due diligence
Strategic advice
De-carbonisation strategies
Adapting to climate change
New technologies: Storage and Power-to-gas, etc.
Low-carbon mobility
Water resources and biodiversity strategies
ESG due diligence
M&A due diligence
CSRD reporting
_Satisfied clients
Phone +33 (0)1 46 10 25 70
Email -
Address 143 Avenue de Verdun, 92442 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France