Environmental engineering, energy, climate, water and biodiversity
_The challenges of the ecological transition and climate change
Protecting the environment, helping to build sustainable cities, supporting eco-responsible businesses, promoting the energy transition: the challenges associated with the ecological transition and climate change are immense.
For various environmental segments (soil, water, air, biodiversity, etc.), Ginger conducts diagnostics of the state of the environment, assesses the impacts of your projects and evaluates health risks. Our teams design and implement operational solutions to avoid, reduce, control, and, if necessary, compensate for these impacts. Ginger supports you in meeting your regulatory and technical obligations for all of your activities.
Ginger also determines the energy needs and carbon impact of your projects and organisations. Based on this information, we can suggest ways to optimise energy efficiency, integrate renewable energies, and achieve carbon neutrality.
In addition, climate change is triggering a number of phenomena, creating new risks or exacerbating existing ones. Ginger's expertise can help you adapt to climate change, whether it has to do with tackling heat islands, managing water shortages or flood risk, or a host of other issues.
Ginger applies these approaches to projects of all sizes and in a wide variety of contexts, with a constant focus on a global vision of the issues and an integrated approach to solutions.
Natural environment and biodiversity
Impact assessment and regulations studies
Climate and decarbonisation
Energy, renewable energies, energy efficiency
Waste treatment
Mines and quarries
Industrial and health risks
_A word from the expert
"The regulations relating to Classified Installations for Environmental Protection (“Installations Classées pour la Protection de l'Environnement- ICPE”) concern a large number of business sectors. In addition to industrial sites, tertiary activities can also be targeted, through their technical installations (boiler rooms, storage, cold production, etc.).
ICPEs are subject to a complex and constantly evolving set of regulations, and the preparation of the various associated documentation requires a wide range of skills.
Whatever the need may be (creation of an installation, modification project, cessation of activity, etc.), Ginger BURGEAP provides its expertise in defining regulatory obligations and in drawing up the necessary regulatory documentation, by mobilising the skills of all the Group's involved professions, including ICPE, water, air/health, contaminated sites and soils, biodiversity, energy, and acoustics."
"Controlling energy consumption and reducing carbon emissions are key issues for all economic actors today. For existing units or buildings, or for new installations, this involves a multi-stage approach.
Whether in construction, industry, or the public sector, Ginger takes a systemic approach to energy that integrates investment, operating costs, reliability, carbon performance, and environmental impact. An energy solution fulfils a need and fits into the specific context of each project. As part of our support, we determine the specific technical features, current and future regulatory issues, the appropriate business model, governance and financing. We also identify the limits of our models, such as where the uncertainties and risks are. The contribution of our R&D teams enables us to offer up-to-date approaches and methods."
"Our teams in the Waste, Mines and Quarries business advocate and implement high-quality engineering, whose expertise is renowned and recognised in the profession. Our multidisciplinary teams work with public and private sector clients on a wide range of studies, dossiers and projects designed to guarantee the technical quality of the solutions implemented and the regulatory compliance of the facilities, in France and abroad.
Whether it concerns the historic topic of storing all types of waste, or upstream waste management and treatment facilities (collection, waste collection centres, sorting/transit facilities, transfer platforms, composting platforms, etc.), our multiple in-house skills covering numerous technical fields such as geology, hydrogeology, hydraulics, geotechnics, air and processes, combined with our mastery of the applicable regulations, ensure comprehensive support ranging from the feasibility of a project to the closure of a site, including all stages of administrative and environmental authorisations, as well as the project management and external supervision of the associated works.
These same strengths can be applied to the Mining and Quarrying sector, where the environmental challenges are also major."
_Why the Ginger Group?
_Cutting-edge expertise
- Resulting from the experience and skills of our teams
- Using high-performance modelling tools
- Bolstered by our Research & Development activities
_An integrated, multi-specialisation vision
- Expertise in all specialisations (soil, water, air, energy, climate, biodiversity, risks and waste)
- Knowledge of interactions between environments
- Multi-specialisation approach
_Working in the field, as grounded in reality
- 90 years of experience in the field all over the world
- Thousands of references
- The ability to operate in all environments
_Attentiveness to clients
- Local presence with 50 branches in France, mainland and overseas territories
- Members of professional bodies (Union of Site Remediation Professionals (UPDS), French Renewable Energy Trade Association (SER), French National Organisation for Standardisation (AFNOR), etc.)
- Training in all our areas of expertise
Contact an expert in environmental engineering, energy, climate, water and biodiversity
Climate change
In the context of climate change and the need to control water use, the Water Agencies have launched calls for projects to finance concrete actions with significant levels of aid (40%, 50%, 60%, etc.). As these programmes are developed regionally according to local specificities by the basin agencies (Loire Bretagne, Seine, Normandie, Artois Picardie, Rhin Meuse, Rhône Méditerranée Corse, Adour Garonne), they must be analysed and the projects adapted to each call for projects. Ginger BURGEAP assists its clients in the analysis, search for funding, technical design of solutions, preparation of files, their acquisition and the implementation of actions.