Agencies in Tahiti

LTPP, a technical and cultural understanding of French Polynesia.

Founded in 1964, LTPP’s 59 years of experience make it one of the most experienced and versatile consulting firms in French Polynesia.
Since its creation, it has supported the Fenua (Polynesian country) and local businesses in their projects and economic development through its long-standing activities. Its range of skills has expanded in response to local needs and it now operates in a wide variety of areas through its five operational departments:

  • Geotechnical engineering,
  • Materials (roadways, aircraft runways, structural and maritime engineering works, buildings, etc.)
  • The environment, hydrogeology, and contaminated sites and soils,
  • Project management for predominantly geotechnical projects,
  • Asbestos: diagnostics and dust measurements, recently accredited by COFRAC


_Our expertise and services


Our areas of activity

  • Experimental building and public works sector
  • Geotechnics
  • Geology
  • Materials testing
  • Building and public works assessments
  • Instrumentation and measurements
  • Hydrogeology and the environment
  • Project management, geotechnical structures
  • Asbestos and lead diagnostics
  • Air sampling
03 - GE205 au barrage Vaihiria v2

_A versatile, multi-skilled team

Emmanuelle LAITAME

“LaboTP’s work focuses on the potential of geotechnical/geological studies and other areas. A technical and cultural understanding of French Polynesia.”


_Satisfied clients

_A wide range of projects

Structural inspections carried out by rope access technicians

Regular monitoring of engineering structures is an important factor in ensuring the safety of users and the long-term survival of the region's heritage. For this reason, LTPP’s teams are fully trained in the detection of structural defects and are equipped with a wide range of measuring equipment and instruments to monitor these structures. This enables them to inspect several structures each year, including metal, brick, stone, reinforced and pre-stressed concrete structures.

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Rehabilitation of the AHE - TUAMOTU airstrip

French Polynesia has 43 territorial airfields, 4 state airfields and several private airfields serving luxury hotels or pearl farms. Each year, two or three airfields are upgraded, equipped or rebuilt to CHEA standards. For each of these projects, LTPP is involved in carrying out design studies, supervising the laying of asphalt mixes and providing support to contractors and contracting authorities.

02 - Réfection de piste à AHE

Geotechnical investigations on the Vaihiria dam

Geotechnical surveys and tests, LTPP's main activity, are carried out throughout French Polynesia and its islands, which are often difficult to access. The core sampling and pressuremeter tests were carried out as part of a dam development project on behalf of a local hydroelectric company.

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Groundwater Quality Control, PAIHORO CET - TAHITI

LTPP is equipped with multiple submersible pumps and multi-parameter ground measurement devices to take groundwater samples at depths of up to 100 m as part of water quality monitoring. LTPP works on behalf of local authorities, operators, private developers and individuals. LTPP also carries out borehole diagnostics using camera inspection, pumping tests and SSP missions in accordance with the NF X 31-620 standard: pollution diagnostics, management plans, etc. LTPP has a wide range of equipment for sampling soil, soil gases, surface water and groundwater, as well as for conducting geophysical surveys.


Monitoring asbestos removal on the EX COMSUP site in Pirae

With several years of experience in asbestos diagnostics, LTPP has decided to support recently established local asbestos removal companies. Thanks to its COFRAC accreditation in this field, it can now take air samples to measure dust levels.
LaboTP has become a major player and a trusted partner for local authorities in the field of asbestos diagnostics and monitoring of asbestos removal operations.

Suivi de retrait Amiante - EX COMSUP - PIRA


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