
_Stratem, the Ginger Group's Strategic Consulting division, capitalising on 90 years of expertise

Our mission: to help you identify your priority issues, make informed strategic choices and pool your strengths to implement effective roadmaps.

What sets us apart: offering advice that draws on all the Group's technical expertise (2,000 engineers working in water, energy, soil, materials, biodiversity, etc.). 

Our team’s core is made up of multidisciplinary profiles (economics, engineering and public policy) with a strong and direct link to all the engineers in the Group's business lines.

90 years of feedback from the field enriches our view of your economic and regulatory challenges and the operationalisation of your transitions.

_A word from the expert

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"The necessary transition to a world below 2°C means that organisations need to plan ahead and create the conditions for resilience, and even become catalysts for change. Faced with the challenges ahead, our approach is to embrace the complexity of the issues and to distil the approaches in order to better support changes in practices. Stratem draws on the Group's solid expertise in decarbonised energy and materials, water and biodiversity management, and land and soil development.

It's time to act: what are your challenges and those within your value chain? What are the ambitions of your approach? What is your timeframe: a prospective vision or a medium-term action plan?

Whether you are an actor in the construction and property sectors, in industry or a financial institution, we know how to draw on the immense pool of environmental expertise to secure your transitions, making them systemic, strategic and positively impactful."

Oriana LIM FAT
Director of Stratem

_A pool of expert and innovative skills

2,000 in-house experts:

  • Renewable energies: geothermal, solar, green hydrogen, etc.
  • Circular economy in the building industry, re-use of materials and soils
  • Water and Biodiversity: nature-based solutions, hydrology, hydrogeology and soil renaturation


_Detailed knowledge of the environmental issues encountered by operational staff

  • Public/territorial contracting authorities, ministries, regions, metropolitan areas, public institutions for inter-municipal cooperation, etc.,
  • Local semi-public and local public companies
  • Public industrial and commercial establishments


_Private clients

  • Builders, promoters, developers
  • Property and asset managers
  • Investors 
  • Industries 
  • Start-ups

_A commitment to excellence

  • 90 years of experience on complex projects, 
  • Technical and legal monitoring of all environmental issues,
  • The expertise of our teams,
  • The complementary nature of our skills,
  • The attention we pay to our clients.

_An update on the CSRD and its implications for business transition

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is a European directive on the publication of non-financial data by companies. It replaces the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), which until now has provided a more ambiguous framework for the publication of CSR data by companies. The Directive, which has already been transposed into French law, clarifies and standardises the non-financial reporting expected of companies, while expanding the number of organisations concerned by this reporting, including more than 50,000 companies in Europe, with intermediate-sized enterprises from 2025, and then SMEs. Launched as part of the Green Pact for Europe, its aim is to direct investment flows towards virtuous projects and companies.

The CSRD imposes a significant number of areas and themes on which to report, using standardised indicators. What is new, however, is that it requires companies to implement action plans to reduce their negative impacts and economic and financial risks, and to seize the opportunities offered by an economy and society in transition. The environmental aspect requires a high level of commitment from companies, particularly with regard to the climate; the company must demonstrate its action plan to align itself with the objectives of 1.5 degrees of global warming set by the Paris Agreement and carbon neutrality by 2050. To prepare for 2025, our teams can assist you right away with your climate policies, whether it involves a carbon assessment (Bilan Carbone®) to the decarbonisation strategy and its 1.5°C action plan, as well as with the other aspects of biodiversity and ecosystems, water and marine resources, resources and the circular economy, and pollution.


_A wide range of projects

Support for the strategic analysis of water and mobility in neighbourhood development projects

Stratem/BURGEAP was commissioned by a major property developer to carry out a support mission for the strategic analysis of water and mobility in neighbourhood development projects. The mission involved the following stages:

  • Assessing current practices and defining typical operations (interviews and internal feedback).
  • Prospective analyses of mobility and water issues up to 2030, differentiated by type of neighbourhood, and analyses of the critical factors affecting neighbourhoods in 2030 and the efforts required to address them.
  • Identifying and characterising innovative solutions to the challenges identified (with workshop work).
  • Summarising the identified guidelines and defining strategic recommendations
  • The mission also focused on the hydrogen solution and the challenges associated with the urban heat island effect.

Supporting the implementation of a global environmental strategy for an office building owner

Stratem supported an insurance company in defining its environmental strategy and implementing its 3-year action plans. This initiative focused on 15 strategic sites within their property portfolio, occupied by their employees.

The aim was to help the teams define the objectives and opportunities for enhancing the value of their assets in line with:

  • Energy management objectives and the mobilisation of local renewable energy production (Tertiary Sector Decree and the Group's low carbon strategy)
  • A 1st approach to reducing carbon emissions related to mobility (site accessibility, quantifying the greenhouse gas emissions of occupants and 1st courses of action)
  • An analysis of the “physical” vulnerability of assets to climate change (temperature, soil drought, flooding, etc.)
  • Opportunities to work with service providers to reduce water consumption and improve waste management
  • The biodiversity potential of the sites, assessed by identifying the key types at risk

To ensure a workable environmental strategy, the Group provided its expertise during site visits, enabling Stratem’s consultants to elaborate on the technical and economic material developed in the workshops. The results include an energy and carbon trajectory tool and a dynamic and coherent medium- and long-term action plan to ensure that targets are met at the various progress milestones.

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