
_The engineering of existing materials and structures as a long-term solution

Like any material asset, buildings and structures are subject to the ravages of time. Weathering, the stresses exerted on the structure and the quality of the materials used have a major influence on the ageing of structures. The Ginger Group can help you manage your assets by monitoring them to prevent any potential problems, carrying out diagnostics to treat any pathology or anticipate any work required, performing laboratory analyses and on-site testing to ensure the quality of material formulations, and ensuring a structure’s end-of-life.

_Sustainable maintenance of buildings and structures

From the simplest to the most complex, Ginger works on all your projects, providing a wide range of services.

_A word from the expert

Jean François LE PARC

_Road infrastructure

" Road infrastructure plays a vital and strategic role, as it provides a network of roads across our territory, enabling mobility, communication between people and economic development. They cover a wide range of uses, from motorways to cycle paths and pedestrian areas, and all have a number of components in common: the carriageway, of course, but also engineering structures, geotechnical and hydraulic structures, retaining and anti-noise devices, vertical and horizontal signage, networks, and so on. 
This heritage is an asset that needs to be preserved in today's world of constraints.
Designing new roads that are economical and sustainable while limiting their environmental impact, studying the characteristics of materials so that they can be recycled as effectively as possible for new applications, inspecting pavements using the most appropriate innovative technologies to assess their condition and conduct diagnostics, programming the work that is necessary and sufficient as part of a controlled maintenance policy to guarantee the desired level of service, and monitoring and controlling the proper execution of the work… these are just some of the services that the Ginger Group provides to help project owners manage their road infrastructure assets."

Jean-François LE PARC
Director of Road Infrastructure, Ginger CEBTP

_Maintaining our facilities: our vocation

"The engineering of existing structures is an exciting but complex field, given their vast diversity, whether in terms of structure, use or historical value. This complexity requires specific knowledge and skills, and Ginger CEBTP has responded by creating specialised centres throughout France. Currently, there are six major specialty centres that train our engineers on a daily basis in the different challenges and evolving standards in each sector, and support our on-site teams at every stage of their mission. Through this organisation, Ginger CEBTP guarantees the same quality and technical relevance of its work throughout France."

Ludivine MOUATT
Head of the "Historic Monuments and Masonry" speciality centre, Ginger CEBTP
Damien ORCEL

_The circular economy, a Ginger project

"Against a global backdrop of dwindling resources and ever-increasing carbon emissions, the Ginger Group helps its clients implement the circular economy in more virtuous projects. From the audit phase of decommissioned/rehabilitated/cleaned-up sites, we conduct diagnostics to assess the potential of the buildings and underlying soils. 

The characteristics of the products/materials are evaluated in the Group's laboratories. The Ginger Group then provides consulting, project management, and assistance to project owners with recommendations for implementing re-use and recycling as part of the design and monitoring of construction projects, using high-performance, customised traceability and reporting tools. We provide our clients with first-hand experience in the operational implementation of the circular economy on worksites. Lastly, Ginger's experts offer comprehensive lifecycle assessments for products, buildings, and neighbourhoods, including the building construction phase and overall project execution. The carbon footprint is also a project management tool that we implement.

All this expertise evolves thanks to technical/regulatory monitoring led by our experts and ongoing employee training."

Damien ORCEL
Development Manager, Ginger DELEO

Contact an expert in structural and materials engineering

Ingénierie des matériaux

_Why the Ginger Group

_Cutting-edge expertise

  • A wide range of skills
  • Experience on major projects
  • Additional missions


_Technical and legal monitoring

  • Dedicated technical committees
  • A presence on more than 50 standards committees
  • Involvement of our experts in changes to standards and regulations
  • Involvement of our experts in the drafting of professional guides

_Working in the field, and grounded in reality

  • 90 years of experience in the field all over the world
  • Mapping that reflects reality as closely as possible
  • Thousands of references

_Substantial resources

  • Laboratories throughout France, conducting more than 20,000 tests per year
  • Tests on all construction materials
  • Substantial resources for on-site measurements
  • An instrumentation department that designs, manufactures and distributes a range of measuring equipment tailored to the inspection and measurement requirements of structures.

_Sequencing of the Diagnostic, Pathology and Structure (DPS) Department missions

Engineering assignments for existing structures go through various stages, from visual inspection or investigation campaigns to repair/rehabilitation engineering and monitoring of works on behalf of the project manager, project owner or contractor. Ginger CEBTP has defined a classification of assignments that responds to client needs while providing a framework for our services and delineating our responsibilities. These specialised studies allow us to conduct diagnostics and provide solutions for the long-term repair of structures. This classification is divided into four families of assignments:

  • Census, monitoring and diagnostics
  • Scenario and programming studies
  • Design studies
  • Engineering services during the works phase

_A wide range of projects

Technical audit for the visual inspection and diagnosis of balconies for the LOGEO SEINE project

As part of its property monitoring programme, LOGEO SEINE has commissioned Ginger CEBTP carry out an audit of the condition of its reinforced concrete balconies. The mission consists of carrying out on-site investigations to identify any structural defects and analyse the causes of pathologies.

The purpose of this mission is to enable LOGEO SEINE to:

  • Ensure the soundness and stability of all balconies,
  • Propose solutions to ensure the durability of the inspected balconies
batiment vert

Road and runway surveys at Lyon Airport (69)

As part of its asset monitoring programme, the Lyon Airport Authority called upon Ginger CEBTP to assess the condition of two runways (4.0km and 2.6km respectively), taxiways and parking areas.

  • High performance visual inspection using a multi-function vehicle for comparison with manual SI,
  • Degradation survey using manual SI method,
  • Core sampling (structure and subgrade),
  • HWD deflection measurement,
  • Ground-penetrating radar survey,
  • Laboratory analyses
  • Back calculation of runway capacity (PCN method).
Aeroport Lyon

Project management for asbestos removal and demolition (76)

As part of the total restoration of the former SCO site in Oissel, RETIA is carrying out asbestos removal and total demolition of the former nitrogen fertiliser plant.
Ginger DELEO is in charge of managing the project, including the design, execution and supervision of the works.


Technical audit for the visual inspection and diagnosis of balconies for the INOLYA project

As part of its property monitoring programme, INOLYA commissioned Ginger CEBTP to carry out an audit of the condition of its reinforced concrete balconies. The mission consists of carrying out on-site investigations to identify any structural defects and analyse the causes of pathologies. The purpose of this mission is to enable INOLYA to:

  • Ensure the soundness and stability of all balconies,
  • Propose solutions to ensure the durability of the inspected balconies

Project management for asbestos removal, dismantling and demolition using explosives (69)

As part of an urban renewal project, the contracting authority, ICF habitat, intends to carry out asbestos removal, dismantling and demolition work on 198 dwellings on rue Gaston Monmousseau in Vénissieux.
ICF habitat opted for demolition using explosives and called on Ginger DELEO to provide project management services to organise and manage the operation.

Independent inspection of the A 365 western bypass of Strasbourg (67)

ARCOS contracted Ginger CEBTP to carry out an independent inspection of the structures on the A355 western bypass of Strasbourg (COS - contournement ouest de Strasbourg). This is a new 24 km 2 x 2 lane motorway with 2 interchanges, 2 motorway junctions, 2 viaducts and around 50 standard structures. The inspections include:

  • On site: concreting (slump test, air content, specimens), deep foundations (sonic testing), waterproofing (substrate acceptance, adhesion testing and infrared thermography inspections),
  • In the laboratory: compressive strength of concrete and spalling,
  • In the steel mills and pre-cast concrete facilities: control audits.
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