
_Over 50 years of expertise - a local actor for project partners and beneficiaries

International cooperation and development policy projects are complex and involve many different actors. Only a multidisciplinary company can offer consultancy, engineering and training services to public sector actors (governments and regional organisations), international financial institutions (multilateral funding agencies and bilateral cooperation agencies) and businesses (public and private companies and investors). 

Ginger SOFRECO has become the preferred partner of major international development cooperation institutions and, through its local offices, is committed to being a local actor for technical and financial partners and project beneficiaries by drawing on a vast network of experts.

_Implementing projects that are useful to others


When it comes to international cooperation, there are those who explore the world, those who advise and those who take decisions, those who guide actions, those who organise missions, those who finance projects... And then there's Ginger SOFRECO. For 50 years, we have been implementing a diverse range of projects that are useful to others. 

We share our expertise and coordinate actors from all walks of life, to change people's lives and reduce their exposure to climate risks. We are a development operator, all over the world."

Gilles Dubuisson
Chief Executive Officer of Ginger SOFRECO

_Why the Ginger Group?

_A network of experts

  • More than 50,000 experts in our database
  • More than 500 permanent experts
  • A multidisciplinary and multicultural team

_References all over the world

  • More than 3,000 references
  • On every continent
  • For over 45 years

_Working in the field, and grounded in reality

  • Local offices in Africa
  • Local offices in Asia
  • A network of international and local partners, depending on the areas and countries of operation


  • Transparency
  • Integrity
  • Duty to advise
  • Confidentiality
  • Loyalty
  • Ethics

Contact an expert in international cooperation project engineering

Contactez Sofreco

_The Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Agenda 2030) and its 17 goals (SDGs) based on five pillars: Planet, People, Prosperity, Peace and Partnerships. 

The 2030 Agenda represents a paradigm shift in the field of development and international cooperation:

  • By combining the preservation of the planet in the face of climate change with the fight against extreme poverty and the reduction of inequalities.
  • By adopting a global and universal approach that transcends national and local issues.
  • By involving a wide range of stakeholders: public institutions, civil society, the private sector, decentralised authorities, etc.

Our job is to act pragmatically and agilely on the ground to help achieve the SDGs alongside all development stakeholders, for the benefit of local populations.



_A wide range of projects

Validation and sign-off of Mineral Resources & Ore Reserves for the Al Khabra Phosphate Mine

Review and sign-off a Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (R&R) estimate for the Al Khabra mine located in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

  • Project start, desktop study and data collection
  • Site visit
  • Due diligence of the mineral resource estimate
  • Due diligence of ore reserves estimate
Image ma'Aden

Project Management Services for the Al Khabra phosphate mine

Project Management Consultancy (PMC) and support for the opening of the Al Khabra phosphate mine whose production is 15 Mt ROM per year.
MWSPC comprises a phosphate mine, beneficiation plant, sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, purified phosphoric acid, sodium tri-polyphosphate (STPP) and di-calcium phosphate (DCP) plants in Umm Wu’al, northern Saudi Arabia, and ammonia, NPK and di ammonium phosphate (DAP) production plants in Ras Al Khair, in the Arabian Gulf.

  • Phase 1 – Engineering services
  • Phase 2 (A) – PMC services
  • Phase 2 (B) – Operational support services
Ma'aden 2

Technical assistance for the evaluation of reserves according to the JORC Code (bauxite)

Support to the CBG (Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinée) mining team for yearly production reconciliation with resources and reserves, LOM plan, subsequent reserves estimate, reporting and sign-off (JORC 2012 compliant).
Several alternative scenarios were validated and estimated in the framework of a capacity expansion (0.6 to 1.4 BUSD).

Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinée

Technical Assistance for the Climate Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project – LAOS- ADB

The Project Implementation Consultant (PIC) provides technical assistance to the executing and implementing agencies in the implementation of the project. The PIC strengthens the technical and management capacities of the participating government agencies and ensures compliance with the Grant Agreement (e.g. safeguards) and government policies.

  • Improve and make the critical agribusiness value chain infrastructure climate resilient.
  • Promote climate-smart agriculture and agribusiness.
  • Enhance the enabling environment for climate-friendly agribusiness.



PARSIFAL Project Management Unit (support on social resilience, infrastructure forests and agriculture in Lebanon) - AFD

The PARSIFAL provides support to municipalities in order to improve access to employment and employability for vulnerable populations, increase agricultural productivity together with sustainable management of surface water and preserve landscapes and soils (fight against erosion).
The Project Management Unit (PMU) ensures the monitoring of the implementation of operational components and provides technical assistance on the steering of the PARSIFAL Project:

  • Support for procurement and accounting and financial management
  • Technical monitoring of the project
  • Preparation of training activities
  • Project communication activities

Management of the Contract Farming and Ecological Transition Project (PACTE) - AFD

The objective of PACTE is to meet food demand by developing contract farming, agro-ecological intensification and increasing the professionalism of producers.

  • Support to the Project Management Unit (PMU) in the implementation and monitoring of the PACTE project
  • Implementation of the CFF
  • Institutional support for the modernisation of local added value chains
Burkina Fasso
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