Agencies in Martinique

On the island of Martinique, Ginger’s workforce is divided into 4 entities: Ginger Géode, Ginger Géolab, Ginger Camaxa and Ginger BURGEAP Caraïbes.

Our strength lies in our in-depth knowledge of Martinique, its soils and its buildings. Our engineers and technicians, most of whom are highly experienced, have a thorough understanding of the seismic context of the island. Our teams work closely with our clients every day to better understand and solve their problems, from the simplest to the most complex. Our projects range from studies for the construction of a simple villa, through structural diagnostics and all types of geotechnical work, to project management for complex structures. Our environmental specialists carry out a wide range of studies for all kinds of projects that help shape the region and have a positive impact on the economy, all the while respecting its ecosystems: regulatory dossiers, environmental diagnostics and monitoring, health studies, PEMW diagnostics, risk studies, hydrogeology, managing waste from mines and quarries, fauna, flora and biodiversity.

_Our expertise and services

_Ginger Geode

  • Soil studies
  • Geotechnical engineering
  • Civil engineering and structural engineering

_Ginger Géolab

  • Soil and materials laboratory
  • External and independent inspections of construction and public works sites
  • Structural diagnostics and pathologies

_ Ginger Camaxa

Geotechnical investigations (core sampling and pressuremeter tests, static and dynamic pressure testing, water tests, etc.)

_Ginger BURGEAP Caraïbes

  • Soil engineering,
  • Water engineering,
  • Air engineering,
  • Waste engineering,
  • Energy engineering.

_An experienced team serving the needs of Martinique 

Frédéric Bernard

"Three of the Ginger Group companies in Martinique are based in Lamentin, in the heart of the island. They operate throughout Martinique and serve a wide range of clients, including private individuals, major construction and public works companies, local councils, combined district councils, local authorities, property developers, consulting firms and architects. Our teams of engineers, technicians and operators are all highly experienced and have a thorough knowledge of our department and its intricacies. Our services include geotechnical studies, external and independent inspections, structural diagnostics and pathologies, as well as project management in geotechnics, civil engineering and hydraulics. This enables us to provide our clients with comprehensive support throughout the entire life cycle of their project, from design to implementation.

Together with our subsidiaries in Martinique, we are proud to contribute to the development of this incredibly resourceful region."

Frédéric BERNARD
Director of Ginger DEODE - GEOLAB – CAMAXA

_Satisfied clients

_A wide range of projects

The Mangot-Vulcin Interchange

Ginger Géode is the main contractor for the design and construction of the Mangot-Vulcin Interchange in the commune of Le Lamentin. We are working on this major project on behalf of the Communauté Territoriale de la Martinique (the Martinique department and region). Among other things, the works will involve the construction of an engineering structure for the crossing of a national road and the routing of a public transport line through a protected area. The design phase is now complete. We are about to start the consultation phase with contractors, followed by 2 years of work that will lead to the commissioning of this landmark structure for the island of Martinique, which will relieve traffic congestion in the area and make life easier for local residents.


GEMAPI - the Madame River

The Madame River is the main watercourse in the City of Fort de France and flows into the Caribbean Sea at Pointe Simon. The river was dammed up in the 18th century to limit flooding in the city following the major climatic events that can strike the islands of the French West Indies. As part of the GEMAPI (GEstion des Milieux Aquatiques et la Prévention des Inondations - management of aquatic environments and flood prevention) initiative, the Urban Community of the Centre of Martinique (Communauté d'Agglomération du Centre de la Martinique - CACEM) commissioned Ginger Géode, Ginger Camaxa and Ginger Géolab to carry out geotechnical surveys along the banks of the Madame River in the centre of Fort de France, including core samples, pressuremeter tests, destructive drilling, surveys and investigations of the concrete walls and slabs of the canal, and sheet piling tests. These tests and their results will be used by the consulting firm appointed by CACEM to calculate the stability of the river protection structures. The CACEM will then decide whether or not to carry out reinforcement work.


The Sainte Thérèse Church, Fort de France

Following a major earthquake in 2007, numerous structural defects and large cracks were found in the church, which is an emblem of Fort de France and the island of Martinique. Ginger Géolab was therefore commissioned to carry out a complete structural analysis of the structure in order to verify its resistance to earthquakes. This will then be used as the basis for major underpinning work to make the church safe and allow worshippers to return to the site. As part of this structural diagnosis, the local teams carried out a wide range of investigations, including core samples of the concrete and masonry elements, destructive drilling, steel sampling, structural surveys, corrosion potential measurements and carbonation front measurements. These investigations required the use of aerial work platforms and rope access technicians to reach the highest and most inaccessible parts of the structure.


Deep fluid pressure measurements in Prêcheur

In order to monitor water levels and the quality of the groundwater, BRGM contracted Ginger Camaxa to drill a deep borehole equipped with a 70-metre piezometer in the commune of Prêcheur. Prior to our involvement, 2 other companies had failed to deliver on this site. The local teams worked with the drilling centre in mainland France to provide the appropriate techniques and drilling equipment to carry out this unique mission on the island of Martinique. Our drilling team used an OPTIIMA machine to drill the borehole and then install the piezometric equipment that will allow BRGM to take its measurements.

2023_09 BRGM Precheu

Downstream reinforcement of Morne Calebasse in Fort de France

In 2011, a major landslide occurred on the Morne Calebasse site in Fort de France. Since 2014, Ginger Géode has been responsible for monitoring the inclinometers and piezometers it has installed on the landslide in question. This allows us to determine whether the landslide is progressing and whether the ground is still moving. In addition, the City of Fort de France has begun work to reinforce the downstream section of the landslide to protect the lower part of the landslide area from possible ground movement. Ginger Géode is providing full project management for this reinforcement work, including the design and supervision of the works. The design phase is now complete, the contractor has been appointed and work has just started on the project, which will take approximately 10 months to complete.

Pont de l Acise

Waste diagnostics prior to a building dismantling operation for the Grand port Maritime de la Martinique

  • Documentary analysis: research into the history of the buildings, which may provide information on any contamination of the buildings, soil and subsoil;
  • Inventory and quantitative summary of waste: qualification and quantification of materials to be recycled, recovered or disposed of in each building and in the surrounding external areas;
  • Taking samples and carrying out analyses: core samples taken from concrete/blockwork in buildings earmarked for demolition, and identifying disposal options;
  • Identifying waste management channels and processes;
  • Technical and economic study on the clearing and dismantling of buildings in the Radoub Basin.
ref 2 burgeap martinique.

Characterisation of the environmental quality of sediments

A survey of the entire fishing port using a light-weight boat (rigid inflatable boat) to measure the draught;

  • Sediment sampling using a sediment core drill on the rigid inflatable boat in the vicinity of the target areas;
  • Sediment analyses in an approved laboratory;
  • Preparation of contamination maps and decision diagrams;
  • Interpretation report identifying potential disposal options.
ref 3 burgeap martinique

Additional environmental assessment and site management plan (department 972)

As part of the sale of its “Parc de la Ravine” site, located on rue Desclieux in Fort de France (department 972), the Regional Public Finance Department (DRFIP - Direction Régionale des Finances Publiques) commissioned Ginger BURGEAP to carry out an additional assessment and draw up a management plan. Since 1931, this site was home to a military fuel depot, which ceased operations in 2010. It covers an area of around 2 hectares. In the past, hydrocarbon contamination has been detected in the soil at various locations on the site. After the various assessments (2000, 2009, 2013), there were still uncertainties about the various environments, making it impossible to draw up a management plan. The purpose of the additional assessment is to identify and pinpoint the exact location of the contamination concentrated in the soil and to verify the impact on groundwater and soil gases in order to develop a management plan for the site.


Monitoring groundwater quality at the Galion factory

SAEM LE GALION produces sugar (agri-food) at its Galion factory in La Trinité, Martinique (department 972) This site is an Installations Classified for the Protection of the Environment (ICPE), subject to Authorisation, governed by prefectoral decree no. 09-02558 of 29 July 2009.
In accordance with the prefectoral decree requiring the semi-annual monitoring of groundwater quality in the area of the 6 piezometers on the site, SAEM LE GALION commissioned Ginger BURGEAP to carry out two semi-annual groundwater quality monitoring campaigns for 2023.

saem le galion

Semi-annual monitoring of groundwater and soil gas quality - Robert service station, Rue Edouard Pidery - Le Robert - Martinique (department 972)

SOL ANTILLES GUYANE has been running the Robert service station since the 1960s. The station was renovated in 2016. 
SOL ANTILLES GUYANE has commissioned GINGER BURGEAP to monitor the quality of the groundwater and soil gases at the Robert service station and two adjacent plot every six months.



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