
Founded 30 years ago, Ginger HYDROSOL FONDATIONS is a leading geotechnical engineering company in Tunisia. Its areas of expertise include geotechnical engineering in the broadest sense: surveying and determining the mechanical properties of soils, foundation works, special reinforcement works and implementing soil improvement and treatment projects. In addition to its expertise in building construction, its teams (180 people) have extensive technical resources and are involved in most of the major projects in Tunisia, such as port infrastructures, engineering structures, dams and road infrastructures.

_Geotechnical engineering for innovative foundations

Slaheddine HAFFOUDHI

“Our passion for geotechnical engineering means that every project is unique and our innovative foundation solutions take into account the specific geological and structural features of each project. Our team of expert geotechnical engineers carry out in-depth soil analyses to ensure that the foundation solutions we provide are perfectly tailored to each project.

We believe in collaboration, working hand in hand with our clients, consulting engineers and architects to integrate our foundation solutions into their overall vision, ensuring the technical and economic success of each project. Each and every success is tangible proof of our commitment to excellence and performance.” 

Slaheddine HAFFOUDHI

_Our areas of expertise

Geotechnical investigations and studies

  • On-site geotechnical testing
  • Laboratory geotechnical testing 
  • Geotechnical instrumentation: installation and monitoring 
  • Soil studies

Specialist works

  • Injections
  • Anchoring and nailing
  • Micropiles 

Deep foundations

  • Deep foundations (on piles) 
  • Soil improvement
  • Excavation stabilisation 
  • Foundation walls, foundations & watertight seals 
  • Moulded walls and sheet piling 

_A wide range of projects

Ennasr Cultural Mall - Tunis: 28 m of excavation support

For the construction of the 8 basements involved in the project, with an excavation spanning 28 m, Hydrosol Fondations installed 3,800 linear metres of 600 mm diameter jointed piles, 1,055 linear metres of 600 mm diameter piles for the Lutetian limestone wall, 4,182 linear metres of anchor ties arranged in 4 beds, a wall drainage system and an inclinometer to monitor displacements.

Ennasr mall Tunis

Structures across Halk el Menjel and Oued Charchar

  • The creation of 56150 linear metres of 320 mm diameter sand drains by vibro-impact drilling with one-way pipes.
  • Drain lengths vary from 7 m, 11 m, 13 m to 15 m.
Ouvrage d'art Hydrosol

The Mellegue dam: watertight cofferdams using jet grouting

  • The construction of watertight cofferdams upstream and downstream using intersecting jet grouting columns spaced 80 cm apart.
  • The jet grouting columns are 1280 mm in diameter and vary in length (maximum length = 27 m).
  • Total number of columns = 1838
Barrage meleuge Hydrosol

Amilcar clinic in Ennasr - Tunis: nailed retaining wall for a 20m excavation

For the construction of the 4 basements involved in the project, with an excavation spanning 20 m, Hydrosol Fondations installed 3500 m2 of nail-reinforced wall, i.e. 9964 ml of HA 32 nails, 3384 linear metres of 32 mm diameter GEWI anchors arranged in 3 beds, shotcrete, a wall drainage system and an inclinometer to monitor displacements.

Clinique Hydrosol

A diaphragm wall for the Kalaa Kebira Dam

The project involved the construction of a flexible plastic wall to seal the foundation of the dam.
The 0.8m thick wall was constructed using a hydraulic shovel loader to a depth of between 11m and 28m, with a total wall volume of 18,000m3.

Barrage Hydrosol


  • Phone

    +216 71 650 360

  • Email


  • Address

    Rue Haroun Errachid - Z.I. Ksar Saïd - 2086 Manouba - Tunisie

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